

Hang Paintings Perfectly with a Fork

Ever think a fork could help you hang your latest masterpiece? Well it can and it can help you line the picture up perfectly. Using the fork on the nail and go in a straight line making sure your picture looks perfect, there really are uses for anything around the home.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hanging items on a nail isn’t hard, but it’s always tough to hang something you can’t see. You need the string to thread the nail, but not the wooden frame itself.
  • Place the fork on the nail, with the handle sticking upwards and the nail going through the middle tines.
  • Thread the painting rear wire or string behind the fork handle, and slide it all the way down to the nail. Then just pull the fork up and out. Voila, you have a perfectly hung painting.

“Place the fork on the nail, with the handle sticking upwards and the nail going through the middle tines.”

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