

10 DIYs That Can Increase the Value of Your Home

Adding value to your home does not need to be expensive, if you are willing to put in some effort. There are a number of ideas to implement and things to do to help in this regard. Starting from repainting the house to installing crown moldings to updating the fixtures for a completely new look to being creative and smart by installing ceiling fans and lovely blinds and curtains and finally removing and replacing eye sores like well-worn and broken knobs and door handles. Furthermore, one can go some steps further by replacing the front door to give the house a face-lift or why not add some extra space through the use of custom built shelves. And while you are at it, don’t forget to get a refreshing and welcoming door mat to influence others before they even enter the house to admire your handiwork!

Read the full article here:
10 DIYs That Can Increase the Value of Your Home

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