

Bee Observant of bee damage (if you see carpenter bees they are probably doing damage to your home)

Carpenter bees can do a lot of damage if the proper signs are not looked for each year. Holes that are approximately 1/2 inch are these early signs you should look for. These bees tend to work in groups rather than one at a time. If a wood pecker knows that a bee larva is in a fascia board, they will try to burrow it out.

Key Takeaways:

  • The best measure you can take to reduce bee damage to your home is to keep it well painted as bees prefer natural wood.
  • Look for smooth holes about ½ inch in diameter on the under side of your fascia boards or soffit.
  • If you find holes in your home you should act promptly to limit the damage.

“The best measure you can take to reduce bee damage to your home is to keep it well painted as bees prefer natural wood.”

Read full article here: Bee Observant of bee damage (if you see carpenter bees they are probably doing damage to your home)

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