

How to Save on Home Air Conditioning & Energy Costs in the Summer

Summer has many benefits, but the heat is not one of those. Air-conditioning can help, but it comes at a price. An average household can spend as much as $ 200 in a year, just to stay cool. But cost savings are possible. There are various options to keep the heat out. Insulation and sealing will slow the rate at which outside heat will infiltrate your home. Shading your windows will prevent that glasshouse effect that comes with the sun shining on your windows. You can reduce heat-absorption by using light-colored paints, shading plants, or a special coating for your roof. Other options are reducing heat-generating activities within the house, finding alternative ways to cool your house, or improving the efficiency of your air-conditioning. You’ll find there are many ways to stay comfortable without breaking the bank.

Read the full article here:
How to Save on Home Air Conditioning & Energy Costs in the Summer

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